Pregnancy is the most important milestone for a woman to explore the depths of her being. Pushing her limits on the physical and psychological level can be the greatest test of her strength as she goes through it.
It is difficult to imagine how overwhelming it is when she hears the news of pregnancy. It is very natural for a woman to feel the excitement and anxiety both at once.
Excitement - to bring about a new life in existence and the anxiety of enduring the complexities of pregnancy.
If you or any of your close associates are sailing in the same boat, this post is for you! In this post, you’d find how you could be your best assistant while you are pregnant.
The internet is flooded with information about what you must and must not do if you want a comfortable transition through pregnancy.
But can you say with certainty that this ocean of information would not make you any less anxious?
From serving strict diet charts to making you exercise a certain way, you would find hundreds of guides lying over the web. In most times, the pool of information would be so deep that the guides designed to provide you with assistance would become the very cause of your stress and anxiety.
The whole scenario backfires when you begin to carry its load in place of shedding your fears and concerns around the pregnancy. It tends to become the mountains you lay on your back that you were supposed to climb.
Does that mean you should drop 'em all? Not really!
Here is a simple solution for you that lies within yourself. If you could follow this one simple ritual, you are all set to sail smoothly through your pregnancy.
The ritual reads out to be Mindful Pregnancy.
Mindful pregnancy is nothing but a way of life where you reconnect with your inner core.
In place of losing your way coming under outside influences, you go within and find answers to your lingering concerns.
It might seem philosophical at first, but we are all set to give away the actionable tips that would make your pregnancy the most beautiful phase of your life.

So here is how you can go deep into mindfulness while carrying a new life in your belly:
1. Yoga
Yoga and mindfulness go hand in hand. Yoga essentially means interacting with your mind and body while you are in the process of performing stretches and asanas. Not only does it help you maintain fitness at the level of your body, rather it offloads your negative moods.
Want to know what is even more helpful to get these postures right? A maternity belt.
A maternity belt can be a remarkable tool for providing sufficient support to your back and baby bump, allowing you to have a much more comfortable experience than you will not have otherwise.
2. Exercise
Exercise during pregnancy is something that requires a doctor’s consultation. Each body is different, which means the intensity of the exercise that it must perform in its pregnancy entirely depends upon what your doctor prescribes in its case.
In simple cases with no such complication, gentle running and exercise are great recommendations that work well for pregnant women.
Consciously noticing every move and sensation in your body while you exercise is what would turn it into a mindful activity, giving away a different experience altogether.
If you are searching for an accessory, maternity running wrap is what you must own. It helps you achieve the best experience with your pregnancy workout.
3. Walk
Nature has a healing effect, Going for a walk in the park can bring a lot more ease to your pregnancy than you could comprehend.
Deep breathing, while you walk, can be a great way to bring yourself to the present. Not only does it allow you to sink in the rejuvenating effect of natural surroundings, but it helps understand the nature of surrender. Surrender - that has a lot to do at the stage of delivery.
If you somehow manage to master the art of surrendering yourself to the moment, you have mastered the art of living, let alone gliding through your pregnancy.
4. Meditation
By meditation, we mean a process where you are present 100%.
Whether you are reading, journaling, listening to music, or doing the actual ritual of meditation where you choose to sit and observe your thoughts, meditation is about becoming still in your thoughts. Thoughts that tempt you into suggestions of switching to the other tasks or judging yourself on its basis.
Contemplating is what goes with meditation as opposed to judging yourself. Meditation is about becoming aware of the moment.
The activities in which you meditate might vary from person to person, not the process of noticing and observing from the place of being non-judgemental. That is what forms its essence and takes you in the realm of mindfulness.
As you go by the points meant to enrich the experience of mindfulness, there is no prescribed order or frequency in which you must do them.
The whole point of mindfulness would be lost if such activities would come like a prescription, replacing the other recommendations in its place.
So the only thing to remember is to go with the flow of your mind and body. Learning to interact with yourself (mind, body, soul) is the only priority that needs to be taken care of as you and your baby are evolving through the process of pregnancy.
We hope you like the suggestions presented in the post and that you would be able to get into the practice of mindful pregnancy to gain a blissful experience. Pregnancy is special and during this time, health looks different for every woman. So, treat yourself well with good food and good exercise, and needless to say, you are much stronger than you believe.
We’d love to hear your experiences in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to tell us which one amongst those is your favorite way of practicing mindful pregnancy.
Happy Pregnancy!